Foreword by Head of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah

The change of IAIN to become the Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN) on May 20 2002 was an important moment for the world of Islamic education in Indonesia, especially Islamic higher education. These changes become a sign of the collapse of the scientific dichotomy between general science and religion. Armed with the spirit of scientific integration, it is hoped that UIN will continue to be able to maintain its traditional role, namely producing ulama who have scientific insight, modernity and reliable Indonesianness. In an effort to accelerate scientific integration, UIN Jakarta is preparing Ma’had as a non-formal educational institution that seeks to produce students who excel both in terms of morals and academics. So Ma’had becomes an important part in supporting the realization of the overall vision and mission of UIN Jakarta.

Ma’had UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is an institution that aims to provide non-formal education and residential services as well as being one of the forums that also tries to produce students who achievement, noble character and character, in order to improve the quality of education that supports the creation of the vision and mission of Ma’had Al Jamiah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Ma’had al-Jami’ah has combined the names of the dormitories into Ma’had al-Jami’ah and the naming of each building, with the following changes:






Ma’had Putra (Legoso)

Mabna Syekh Nawawi



Mabna Syarifah Muda’im



Mabna Syekh Nawawi



Mabna Sultan Hasanuddin



Mabna Syarifah Khadijah



Mabna Syarifah Fatimah


Coaching is carried out intensively in all Ma’had buildings. Where previously only the Men’s and Women’s Ma’had and the Men’s and Women’s FKIK Dormitory provided guidance.

It is hoped that the students who live at Ma’had al-Jami’ah can inspire and become role models for all UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students in general in terms of attitude and behavior (morals), achievements, and other positive things.