The First Pembinaan in Ma'had

Monday, September 9th 2019. The first night lecture, which is Tafsir, has officially started in Mabna Syarifah Muda'im.

All mahasantri held the First Night Lecture, which is Muhadhoroh Arabic, in Mabna Rusunawa.

الحمدلله وعلى بركة الله بدأنا بأول برامجنا لهذا المعهد الا وهو المحاضرة بمسؤول مشرفين سآلين المولى بأن ينفعنا وينفعهم آجمعين.

New term, same room, different name(s) but always executed by an awesome team!
First extra course is being held in Mabna Sultan Hasanuddin! English is the first to arrive at the scene, anticipated by the students' spirit of studyin'! Let's fire up and maintain the new routine so all of us can be Rahmatan Lil Alamin…Aamiin.