acep Oleh : Acep Lukman Nul Hakim ( 11150161000018 / Mahasantri Ma'had Syeikh Nawawi / Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan) @Class Acep : Hello, Ren are you busy now? Reni : Hmm, No. I am not Acep : Oh ya I want to invite you to go to somewhere, because I am bored with all of the tasks. Come on, do you mind accompanying me, please? Reni : But, where are we going? Acep : Hmm. I have an idea. How about going to Pasanggrahan? There are many foods booth there. Reni : It’s sound great. Okay. I’m also so starving. @OTW. Suddenly, Acep and Reni meet up with Nindita, Dhea, and Syifa Acep : Hi guys, where have you been? Syifa : I went to the library. I have been looking for many references for my report. I’m sure that you know what I say. Reni : Yeah sure, I do Acep : We are in the same boat. It is a piece of cake. Don’t thinking it over. It is donkey work. Syifa : How about you? Where are you going? Reni : we are going to Pasanggrahan. Acep : Do you want to join with us? Let’s go! Join with us, please! Because, I am going to talk about great information to you all Dhea : Yeah, I do agree. My stomach is growling. Hurry up guys….. Nindita : okay. Yeah, it seems interesting @Pasanggrahan Nindita : Guys, by the way, did you feel the rain fall yesterday? Syifa : Yes, in my village, it did the same condition. Dhea : Same with me. But it could stimulate mosquitos existence, they are everywhere. ahrgdd Reni : Alhamdulillah. It rained. Guys, you have to be thankful to Allah. Because, it could create positive environment. It looks like refreshing and we could have fun too. Acep : Crystal clear! Amazing!. I do wait for it. it has been long time without rain. My experience when the rain falls, I was looking for fried rice for my dinner with my friend. It was yummy. I felt so happy yesterday. But, my slipper disappeared. So I went there with the other sandal. Hehe Nindita : are you serious? Acep : Yeah, I am . All : How pity you are Syifa : Cep, cep cep. Nindita said that you want to inform us great information, don’t you? Nindita : Yups, would you like to inform us now, please? Dhea : Hurry up, I am so curious Acep : Oh ya I forgot. I want to share this information to you. It is about World Education Expo. This event is one of the biggest education expo in Indonesia. It will be held tomorrow at Balai Kartini Jakarta and it is FREE. They provide some consultations of scholarship. Some of University in the world contributes with this event. So, it will inform us how to get the scholarship abroad easily. All : WoooW!! Awesome! Dhea : let’s go to attend this event! It is bored when we always in our home Anyway Nindita : let’s join! Because, I have followed this event last year. It was amazing. We could know about the information about scholarship. We could practice English, and get some souvenir. Syifa : it sounds great!. I hope that we could continue our study abroad. All : Aamiin Acep : If you have an opportunity to continue your study abroad, what country do you choose? Nindita : Hmm, I will continue to Ohio University in States (USA) Syifa : I will continue to University of Science Malaysia Reni : Hmm, Actually I want to study abroad. But if I am in Indonesia I want to continue to University of Indonesia. Dhea : Hmm I just will stay in Indonesia. Because my speaking is lacking All : How about you Acep? Acep : I have a target next for next four years. I am going to continue my study at Finland University. All : Amiin Ren : Eh guys, I’m so sorry, I have to back home. All : Me too Acep : Okay, See you tomorrow guys. Keep Spirit!  This performance was showed by: Group 1 Education of Biology 1A, consist of : Acep Lukman Nul Hakim Reni Indriani Nindita Ardelia Dhea Vannisa Syifa Asholihat Thursday, 8th of October 2015 4.49