MOSA Rusunawa 2019
Mabna Rusunawa, Friday, 30 August 2019
Today is the first day of MOSA 2019 Mabna Rusunawa and Mabna Syarifah Mudaim.
The theme of this Mosa's activities in Rusunawa is ”Let’s Know Each Other"
On this year, MOSA began with the midnight prayer, continued with the recitation of surah al-waqiah together. When dawn arrived, Mahasantri and Mudabbiroh done the dawn prayer in congregation. Right after the dawn prayer, all mahasantri are directed towards the mabna syarifah Mudaim.
In Mabna Syarifah Mudaim, mahasantri mabna rusunawa joined the opening and gymnastics activities together. Alhamdulillah, the event took place with baim without significant obstacles.
After gymnastics, the event continued at mabna rusunawa. Enthusiastically, mahasantri Mabna Rusunaw continued the game with Mudabbiroh. The game that we played to end this morning's program is titled "🤴The Prince is looking for the cinderella🧕🏻"
Tonight, MOSA continued with the departments' programs delivery, Ma'had Aljamiah's regulations, and language motivation.
The divisions are Tahfidz and workship, Art and Skill, and Academic and Students Affairs.
After that, Mahasantri and mudabbiroh carried out mentoring activity.