MOSA Internal MSM
Saturday, 26th August 2017
Mabna Syarifah Muda'im is organizing MOSA (New mahasantri orientation) with the theme "Rekatkan ukhuwah untuk menjadi mahasantri berprestasi" started with tahajjud, Holy Qur'an recitation, Subuh praying, Bunda's welcoming speech, physical exercise, & introductory game.
Live Report, Sat September 09th Prepare for closing Usbu'ul Qur'an Mabna Syarifah Muda'im with the theme عبر ة الحكمة فى بنا ء جيل رباني tonight. And there are many performance from new Mahasantri MSM. This agenda aim to increase their creativity. Hopefully this night will be successful..
to be continued ...