Interactive Dialogue in FKIK
Interactive Dialogue
“Interprofessional Education: Collaborative Approach to Develop Healthcare Students as Future Interprofessional Team Members”
Dr. Shirley Ann Baker ( Alliant International University)
Christopher J. Baker RN (St. Louise Hospital, California)
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2016 Pukul 13:00-15:30 WIB
di Auditorium Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Shirley Baker or Ms. Shirley is a Professor in the English department at Alliant International University, San Diego, CA. She Received Fulbright Specialist Program 2011 and Fulbright Specialist Program 2006 for Language for Specific Purposes. Her Discpline Applied Linguistics/TEFL
Christopher J. Baker or Mr. Chris is a Humanitarian Volunteer in South East Asian Countries. He is also an emergency and kidney dialysis Nurse and he is training and sepsis procedures. He would like to exchange ideas and share his expertise with the students. Chris works with the emergency team to treat sepsis, with antibiotics and large amounts of intravenous fluids, and their techniques have significantly improved the survival of patients and the costs to hospitals. He is ready to share how the hospital's sepsis practices are applied and is willing to share his knowledge with those who are interested.
By: Addy Hasan, SS., M.Hum (Pengasuh Ma'had Syekh Asnawi)